Disclosure of Shareholdings

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The Swatch Group Ltd: Disclosure of Shareholdings (December 14, 2006)

Securities no. registered shares 1 225 514; bearer shares 1 225 515
Reuters Symbol UHRN.VX und UHR.VX

Biel / Bienne (Switzerland), December 14, 2006 – The Swatch Group Ltd in Biel/Bienne has been notified by the Capital Group Companies, Inc., on behalf of funds managed by Capital Research and Management Company both located at 333, South Hope Street, Los Angeles, CA, USA, and clients managed by Capital Guardian Trust Company located at 11100 Santa Monica Blvd, 15th Fl, Los Angeles, CA, USA as well as Capital International Limited at 25, Bedford St., London, England and Capital International Inc. at 11100 Santa Monica Blvd, 15th Fl. Los Angeles, CA, USA and Capital International S.A. at 3, Place des Bergues, 1201 Geneva, Switzerland, of their current holdings in shares of The Swatch Group Ltd as follows:

  • 4,781,169 registered shares
  • 1,826,480 bearer shares
  • 6,607,649 total number of shares or 4.03% (compared to 5.05% according to the last announcement dated January 29, 2006) of the total voting rights.

In accordance with the notification to the company and to the disclosure office of the SWX Swiss Exchange, the Capital Group Companies and its subsidiaries have indicated their intent to exercise their shareholders and voting rights autonomously and independently.

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