Temps – Zeit – Time

Cité du Temps

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Ted Scapa, premiers his new work on the theme of time at the Cité du Temps

Geneva, 22 October 2009 – From 23 October to 30 November 2009, Geneva’s Cité du Temps will host a new exhibition by Ted Scapa, renowned artist and television personality. Scapa is clear in his view, «Creativity is my favourite way of spending time.» In the collection «Temps – Zeit – Time», creativity and time join forces in the form of 60 drawings presenting humorous and poignant reflections on the passage of time and its implications.


Ted Scapa chooses a colourful and playful approach with his elegant mix of visuals and text. He depicts the juggler of time, splits a clock in two to represent «half-time» and even retrospectively tries to help Monsieur Proust find his lost time. The drawings transcend limits of age and language to inspire individual contemplation of the world’s most valuable asset – time. Within the frame of the exhibition, Ted Scapa is also hosting two «Creativity Workshops» for children and adults at the Cité du Temps on 4 and 22 November respectively. These highly interactive sessions offer participants a uniquely expressive experience, plus the opportunity to discover hidden artistic talents with a potentially lasting impact. They are free of charge so early registration is key.

Born in Holland and having lived in Switzerland for most of his working life, Ted Scapa has created cartoons for many international newspapers and magazines and published numerous books of his work. He has exhibited in Paris, Berlin, Milan, Liechtenstein, Monte-Carlo, Maastricht and all over Switzerland. Scapa’s posters have publicised a colourful palette of events, including the famous Montreux Jazz Festival. For almost 35 years Ted Scapa headed up the Benteli Verlag in Berne, developing its international status as a leading publishing house for works on art and photography. In the 1960s and 1970s, Scapa was a popular TV personality as moderator of the children’s art show, «Das Spielhaus», on SF DRS. Today he still runs his renowned workshop sessions in locations stretching from Morat to St Petersburg.

Opening hours of the exhibition «Temps-Zeit-Time» are from 9 am to 6 pm every day and admission is free.


Registration for the «Creativity Workshops» is via scapa@citedutemps.com on a first come first served basis.

4 November 2009: Children’s Workshop
22 November 2009: Adults’ Workshop

The Pont de la Machine is at the heart of Geneva and has been one of the city’s landmarks since the 1840s. It was originally built to supply water to new public fountains but through the ages has become a symbol of the city’s industrial development. Since 2005 the building has been in the hands of the Swatch Group and houses the Cité du Temps, a unique, interactive venue for permanent and guest exhibitions.


For further information:

Cité du Temps

Pont de la Machine 1
CH-1204 Geneva

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