Partnership between SportAccord and Swatch Group

Swatch Group

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The International Sport Federations Union – SportAccord, today announced an extension to its current partnership agreement with the Swatch Group through to 2018.

The announcement, made at Maison Du Sport (MSI), in Lausanne, Switzerland, means the Swatch Group will continue as the Official Timekeeper of the Multi-Sport Games, renewing its relationship with SportAccord that started in 2010.

François Thiebaud, Member of the Swatch Group Management Board and President of Tissot, said «Swatch Group is happy to continue its association with SportAccord. It shows the commitment of Swatch Group to the sports and the athletes all over the world.»

SportAccord President, Marius L. Vizer, welcomed Swatch Group’s commitment to SportAccord: «Swatch Group's devotion to the development of sports timekeeping, its commitment to international sports and its dedication to the Multi-Sports Games are a source of enormous confidence for SportAccord. Swatch Group’s accuracy, technological competencies and years of experience have contributed to the success of all our events. We are confident that this partnership will be beneficial to both parties and demonstrate true professionalism throughout our competitions.»

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