Dig the action with the new Swatch Touch Zero One

Swatch Touch Zero One

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New Swatch Touch Zero One combines design & cool new Beach Volley functions for players and fans – Step Counter, Power Hits and Power Claps. Dig the fun, track the action & collect your reward...

Beach Volleyball is played all over the world, on beaches and in stadiums filled with huge crowds stomping their feet and clapping their hands as the action kicks up thrills and chills. Swatch and Beach Volley go way back – and now there’s a new Swatch Touch that makes the game even more exciting! 

Swatch Touch Zero One takes the already popular Swatch Touch one step further, adding great new functions to pump up the excitement for both players and fans. It has all the Touch features that already make it so successful, from the curved touchscreen and built-in backlight to finger-tap and side-swipe access to six timing functions.

On top of all that, Swatch Touch Zero One is a touchscreen Swatch with finger-fun access to multiple Beach Volley functions right on the Swatch, and tons more information when connected to the free Touch Zero One App. Swiss Made, it's a Swatch, so there's no need to charge it up every night—the standard Swatch battery lasts for months and months.

Even before it's hooked up to the App, three Beach Volley functions are right at your fingertips on the touchscreen display.

Swatch Touch Zero One offers all the fun, joie de vivre and positively provocative spirit that lives in everything Swatch does. What more can you ask of the world’s biggest maker of fun for the wrist?

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