Exhibition at the Swatch Art Peace Hotel

Exhibition at the Swatch Art Peace Hotel

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Opening today at the Swatch Art Peace Hotel in Shanghai, this year’s photo exhibition aims to present artistic projects that are linked to the general form of ‘image treatment’, focusing on the relationship between now and yet, past and future as well as inside and outside. All artists presented are former guests of the Swatch Art Peace Hotel artist residency.

Julie Forgues (1972, Canada)

In residence from 21 / 08 / 2017 to 15 / 02 / 2018

‘nowhere – now here’ –《无地一此地》

‘nowhere – now here’ continues Julie Forgues’ ongoing research about how a space can be transformed, by placing value to it, into a place as well as the fluctuating states between both sites. To photographically represent this, she travelled to every end of line of the Shanghai metro to unearth these environments at the edge of the city.


Dorothy M Yoon (1976, South Korea)

In residence from 30 / 08 / 2017 to 26 / 02 / 2018

‘Over the Boundary’ –《越界》

This exhibition is about the experience that the artist has made as a visual artist, living within the boundaries of a culture or country gradually accepting other cultures beyond its boundaries. It is an exhibition on east and west, reality and fantasy and ultimate peace.


Liu Zhenchen (1976, China)

In residence from 01 / 05 / 2017 to 26 / 10 / 2017

‘Untitled’ –《无题》

This exhibition includes some of the artist's important works, which refer to architecture, urbanization and memories. Among the works is a video created during his residency at the Swatch Art Peace Hotel. It captured his son’s first steps in slow motion. In the video, he is only a year old and as Zhenchen walks through the Swatch Art Peace Hotel, his son follows him until he is exhausted.

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