Closing of the actual share repurchase program

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Swatch Group: Closing of the actual share repurchase program as of January 24, 2019

Biel/Bienne (Switzerland),  Swatch Group has terminated the repurchase of own shares launched on February 5, 2016 and up to a maximum value of CHF 1 billion as of January 24, 2019.

With this share repurchase program, Swatch Group repurchased over the second trading line a total of 1’399’000 bearer shares with a nominal value of CHF 2.25 each and 7’125’500 registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 0.45 each. Related shares for an amount of CHF 959’026’806.70 have been repurchased.

The shares have been repurchased, withholding tax deducted, for a reduction of capital or to hold them as treasury shares for at least six years starting from the repurchased date. At the end of a period of six years, Swatch Group has the option, apart from a reduction of capital, to use the res for acquisitions, equity-linked transactions, for other purposes or to resell the shares.

Currently it is intended to propose to the shareholders at the upcoming General Assembly scheduled on May 23, 2019 to use the 1’399’000 bearer shares and the 7’125’500 registered shares of the said share repurchase program, as well as the 505'000 bearer shares of the share repurchase program 2008, for a reduction of  capital.



Bastien Buss, Corporate Communications
Phone: +41 32 343 68 11
The Swatch Group Ltd, Biel/Bienne (Switzerland)
E-mail: please use our Contact Form



Felix Knecht, Investor Relations Officer
Phone: +41 32 343 68 11
The Swatch Group Ltd, Biel/Bienne (Switzerland)
E-mail: please use our Contact Form


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