Assemblea generale ordinaria degli Azionisti 2014

Swatch Group

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Swatch Group: Proposals to/ decisions taken by the Swatch Group shareholders at the Ordinary Assembly General Meeting of Wednesday, May 14, 2014 at the Velodrome in Grenchen, Switzerland.

Biel/Bienne (Switzerland), May 14, 2014 – At its today's Ordinary Assembly General Meeting, the shareholders of the Swatch Group Ltd. approved the following proposals submitted by the Board of Directors with a large majority (present shareholders 2977, representing  76.4% of the voting rights):

1. 2013 Annual Report

Approval of the Annual Report of the Board of Directors for 2013, Financial Statements 2013 (Balance Sheet, Income Statement and Notes) and Consolidated Financial Statements 2013, Statutory Auditors' Reports.

2. Discharge of the Board of Directors and the Group Management Board

Discharge of all members of the Board of Directors and the Group Management Board for their activities for the financial year 2013.

3. Resolution for the Appropriation of the Net Income

Appropriation of the available earnings 2013 of CHF 1'912'072'644.67 (net income as of 31.12.2013 of CHF 1'880'341'359.26 plus profit brought forward from the previous year of CHF 31'731'285.41) as follows:

  • Dividend on share capital of CHF 125'210'250.00
    – CHF 1.50 per registered share/par value of CHF 0.45 CHF 186'067'500.00
    – CHF 7.50 per bearer share/par value of CHF 2.25 CHF 231'300'000.00
  • Allocation to special reserve CHF 1'470'000'000.00
  • Balance carried forward CHF 24'705'144.67

Total CHF 1'912'072'644.67
NB: The Group intends not to pay a dividend to the subsidiaries of which it is a 100% owner.


According to her recent information to Swatch Group, Mrs. Esther Grether will not stand as a candidate for the election to the Board due to health reasons.

4. Election to the Board of Directors

Reelection of the remaining five members Mrs. Nayla Hayek, Mr. Ernst Tanner, Mr. Georges N. Hayek, Mr. Claude Nicollier and Mr. Jean-Pierre Roth for another period, which will elapse at the end of the next Ordinary General Meeting; reelection of Mrs. Nayla Hayek as Chair of the Board of Directors for another period, which will elapse at the end of the next Ordinary General Meeting:

4.1 Reelection of Mrs. Nayla Hayek

Mrs. Nayla Hayek is reelected with a large majority.

4.2 Reelection of Mrs. Esther Grether

Not applicable.

4.3 Reelection of Mr. Ernst Tanner

Mr. Ernst Tanner is reelected with a large majority.

4.4 Reelection of Mr. Georges N. Hayek

Mr. Georges N. Hayek is reelected with a large majority.

4.5 Reelection of Mr. Claude Nicollier

Mr. Claude Nicollier is reelected with a large majority.

4.6 Reelection of Mr. Jean-Pierre Roth

Mr. Jean-Pierre Roth is reelected with a large majority.

4.7 Reelection of Mrs. Nayla Hayek as Chair of the Board of Directors

Mrs. Nayla Hayek is reelected as Chair of the Board of Directors with a large majority.

5. Election to the Compensation Committee

Election of the remaining five members Mrs. Nayla Hayek, Mr. Ernst Tanner, Mr. Georges N. Hayek, Mr. Claude Nicollier and Mr. Jean-Pierre Roth for one period, which will elapse at the end of the next Ordinary General Meeting:

5.1 Election of Mrs. Nayla Hayek

Mrs. Nayla Hayek is elected with a large majority.

5.2 Election of Mrs. Esther Grether

Not applicable.

5.3 Election of Mr. Ernst Tanner

Mr. Ernst Tanner is elected with a large majority.

5.4 Election of Mr. Georges N. Hayek

Mr. Georges N. Hayek is elected with a large majority.

5.5 Election of Mr. Claude Nicollier

Mr. Claude Nicollier is elected with a large majority.

5.6 Election of Mr. Jean-Pierre Roth

Mr. Jean-Pierre Roth is elected with a large majority.

6. Election of the Independent Representative

Election of Mr. Bernhard Lehmann, c/o Nimbus AG, Ziegelbrückstrasse 82, 8866 Ziegelbrücke, Switzerland as Independent Representative for one period, which will elapse at the end of the next Ordinary General Meeting:
Mr. Bernhard Lehmann is elected with a large majority.

7. Election of the Statutory Auditors

Election of PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd as Statutory Auditors for another period, which will elapse with the end of the next Ordinary General Meeting:
 PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd are reelected as Statutory Auditors.

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