Breguet celebrates nearly 240 years of innovations in China

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After Geneva, Basel and London, Breguet is presenting its new exhibition in Shanghai. September 4th 2014 marks the official inauguration of the first Asian stopover of the international road show on the theme of Breguet’s decisive inventions. This highly anticipated event will take place in the world’s largest Breguet boutique, located in the extremely chic Xintiandi district. This generous 598m2 space has been transformed into an authentic gallery for the occasion. A fairytale concert given by the Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra and a gala dinner in one of the most prestigious establishments in the city are the other highlights of the inaugural day.

For a whole month from September 4th to 30th 2014, the Breguet boutique at the Langham Hotel in Shanghai will be hosting the brand’s new exhibition that was launched in Geneva in January 2014. In order to enable visitors to immerse themselves in the Breguet universe, and to provide an enjoyable means of learning about its most important inventions, the company has transformed its boutique into a true place of discovery.

The exhibition, entitled «Breguet, innovations that wrote History… More than 200 patents since 1775» takes up the second floor of the boutique. A selection of eight inventions is laid out in a high-tech environment consisting of experimental screens designed to awaken spectator’s senses and curiosity. This educational and interactive exhibition covers the exceptional contributions that Breguet has made to watchmaking.

On the first floor, visitors are invited to discover the splendid historical watches safeguarded by the Breguet Museum in Shanghai. The some 20 pieces that are permanently exhibited are complemented by seven one-of-a-kind timepieces including the famous No. 5 and No. 611 which respectively belonged to Count Journiac Saint-Méard and Joséphine Bonaparte; while watches No. 1176 and No. 4691, recently acquired at auction by the Breguet Museum, will be on show to the public for the first time since they were purchased.

Dedicated to Breguet’s history, the ground floor consists of three distinct areas. The first presents certain famous personalities who were known to own one or more Breguet watches. These individuals include Marie-Antoinette, Napoléon Bonaparte and Winston Churchill. The second space pays tribute to great writers. Marking the highlights of Balzac’s Comédie Humaine in particular, the Breguet watch appears throughout literature in the guise of a legendary object. Finally, the third space is devoted to the historical links between Breguet and Versailles. Marie-Antoinette’s admiration for Breguet gave rise to a true story of friendship between the two institutions. This was cemented in 2006 with the announcement of a unique partnership focusing, amongst other things, on the restoration of the Petit Trianon.

To celebrate the arrival of its exhibition in China, Breguet has also organised an exclusive gala evening in three stages. Firstly, the company will give its guests an opportunity to relive certain key periods of its history through music. A magnificent performance by the Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra awaits guests in the impressive setting of the Concert Hall, which was previously known as the Nanking Theater. This will be followed by a gala dinner, and then an after party on the roofs of Shanghai in order to prolong this unique event as long as possible.

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