Blancpain eröffnet ihre zweite Markenboutique in der Schweiz


Zürich (Schweiz), 30. August 2008 – An der Ecke Bahnhofstrasse / Paradeplatz, im Zentrum der Zürcher City, präsentiert die am Samstag, 30. August, eröffnete Blancpain-Boutique die aktuellen Kollektionen der ältesten Uhrenmarke der Welt auf zwei Geschossen mit einer Gesamtfläche von 100 m² .

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Zurich (Switzerland), August 30, 2008 – Blancpain is proud to be opening its second Boutique on Swiss soil. Located on the corner of Zurich’s famous Bahnhofstrasse shopping mile and the equally renowned Paradeplatz, a two-floor 100 square-metre store is opening today, entirely dedicated to displaying the collections of the world’s oldest watch brand.

Reflecting the philosophy prevailing in the Manufacture in Le Brassus, a village nestling at the far end of the Lac de Joux, Blancpain Boutiques convey the same spirit that pervades the workshops of its master-watchmakers. Crafted by a skilled cabinetmaker from the Vallée de Joux, the interior design of the boutique is imbued with the regional heritage and the Blancpain horological know-how perpetuated for the past 270 years.

Noble woodwork, refined mouldings, pure, streamlined furniture, along with traditional wrought iron catches adorning the windows and displays, all contribute to endowing the premises with a characteristic Blancpain touch of luxury and elegance.

Comfortable leather chairs welcome visitors, who can thus savour a «lounge» atmosphere in which to discover subtle timepieces created in harmony with the noblest watchmaking traditions and provide an area conducive to friendly exchanges, a value Blancpain consistently cultivates in conjunction with an inimitable art of hospitality and time-honoured expertise.

Blancpain Boutique

Bahnhofstrasse 28 – Paradeplatz
CH-8001 Zurich
Phone: + 41 44 220 11 80
Fax: +41 44 220 11 82