Omega und Yann Arthus-Bertrand werden im Rahmen eines Filmprojektes zusammenarbeiten

Omega Planet Ocean

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At an event on the Italian island of Capri on the 19th of May, Omega announced its collaboration with Yann Arthus-Bertrand to create a film about the Earth’s oceans, serving to remind viewers of these natural beauties that cover two-thirds of the planet’s surface and to raise awareness of what can be done to protect them.

«No one could do it better.»

Asked why Omega chose to work with environmentalist / filmmaker Arthus-Bertrand on the project, Omega President Stephen Urquhart said, «No one could do it better. Yann Arthus-Bertrand is both an environmentalist and the world’s leading specialist in aerial photography. He has a unique combination of skills that will allow him to communicate the majesty and the beauty of the oceans cinematically.»

Arthus-Bertrand said of his partnership with Omega, «We will work together to create a film which meaningfully reflects the beauty of the oceans and reminds everyone to save these amazing sources of life.»

Raising awareness of the need to preserve the oceans

At the same event, Omega announced that it has entered into a partnership with GoodPlanet, an organization founded by Arthus-Bertrand. GoodPlanet has established a global reputation for its unflinching dedication to the promotion of sustainable development.

Omega and GoodPlanet are establishing an initiative that will help to raise awareness of the need to protect the oceans by showing their beauty and explaining the challenges humankind and the oceans are facing together. They plan to collaborate on the production of books and materials that will focus not only on the majestic splendour of the oceans but will also educate people about what might be done to preserve them.

Omega – a legacy of oceanic exploration and advocacy

Omega has long been associated with the planet’s oceans. In 1932, it released the Marine – the world’s first divers’ watch. In the nearly eighty years since, Omega has been associated with some of the best-known underwater explorers and oceanographers including Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Charles William Beebe, «Dolphin Man» Jacques Mayol and the late Sir Peter Blake.

The Seamaster Planet Ocean

Today on the Italian island of Capri, Omega unveiled its upgraded Seamaster Planet Ocean collection at a special event attended by members of the international press.

The watches in Omega’s Seamaster Planet Ocean collection have been held in equally high regard for their professional divers’ features, their style and their innovative Co-Axial technology since they were introduced in 2005. Omega has now upgraded the entire family. Like every Planet Ocean, the new watches are ready for underwater adventure and are equipped with unidirectional rotating bezels, helium escape valves and water resistance to 60 bar / 600 metres / 2000 feet.

The combination of the in-house Co-Axial movements and the silicon balance springs that equip each watch in the new Seamaster Planet Ocean collection means that the watches are so stable and reliable that Omega offers them with a full four-year warranty.


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