The Dunkel Collection

Swatch & Art from the Dunkel Collection

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«Swatch & Art from the Dunkel Collection» sold at Sotheby’s Hong Kong for HK$ 46.7Million / US$ 6 Million

Biel / Bienne (Switzerland), April 8, 2015

Swatch is proud to announce that one of the world’s largest Swatch collections in private hands, comprising more than 5800 Swatches and art collected over 25 years, has been sold for HK$ 46.7 Million / US$ 6 Million to a European Institution. According to Sotheby’s, the winning bid was placed by phone after over 30 bids from at least 3 bidders.

The seller, Mr Paul Dunkel, commented after the sale, «I have been very happy and emotional to see the international interest in my collection over the past months. This is a true testament to the universal appeal of Swatch. I would like to deeply thank Sotheby’s for their hard work, as well as my art advisor, 1858 Limited, for expertly managing all aspects of the sale on my behalf. I wish the new owner of these 5800 pieces all the best and hope the collection will bring to others as much joy as I have had with it over the last 25 years of this adventure.»

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